Hey there.
A quick update this week: recovering from COVID continues to be the worst part-time job I never applied for. I’m starting to get my energy back, and I remain optimistic, but I’m not operating at full capacity just yet.
Last weekend, I read Nina Feldman’s story on her bout with what she calls “medium COVID,” and it sounded really familiar. One of her big takeaways was to listen to her body and make rest a priority. Even though I’m eager to get back to reporting, that’s been my approach, too.
In the meantime, we’re re-grouping on First Aid Kit and An Arm and a Leg: tackling an administrative backlog and gearing up to bring you lots of new stories and useful guides in the coming weeks and months.
That means two things for right now:
We’re putting First Aid Kit on hold for at least a few weeks.
Our podcast, An Arm and a Leg, will come out every three weeks, instead of every other week, through summer 2022.
And… we’re reviving a service we used to offer: Email notifications when we’ve got a new podcast episode.
If you signed up for those emails back in the day (like, before November 2021), we’ll put you on the list. (You can unsubscribe, no problem, and keep getting First Aid Kit. Two separate things.)
And if you weren’t on that list but like the sound of this, you can sign up right here.
Meanwhile, in case you missed it: Last week, we put out a podcast episode that had been in the works before I came down with COVID.
It’s about what happens when investors decide their next goldmine is your literal ass.

What’s not to like? Well, as a phenomenon, lots. But as a story, it’s pretty good.
I’ll catch you back here as soon as I’ve caught my breath. And I’ll catch you with a new podcast episode in two weeks.
Till then, take care of yourself.
- Dan
Sorry that you got "It" too. Looking forward to your feeling better and keeping us on our toes!
Hang in there, Dan. I hope you get back to 100% soon. We appreciate all you do!